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59th Annual St. Johns Parade Entries

Amalgamated Transit Union Local 757
Bridlemile Elementary School Band
Brooklyn Sherman
Cathedral Eye Care
Chief Umtuch Middle School Marching Band
City of Portland Commissioner Dan Ryan
Clark County Equestrian Fair Court
Columbia county Fair and Rodeo Court
Commissioner Carmen Rubio
Conestoga Middle School Crimson Sound Marching Band
Cub Scout Pack 52
Dancers of Polynesia
David Sr. Corey And David Jr. Corey
Don Pritchett
Fire Station 22
Floyd Light Middle School Marching Band
Friendship Masonic Lodge #160
Glacier Northwest
howard hogg
iQ Credit Union
James Armstrong - District 2 Council
jeff hogg
Jerry Gagliardi
Jonathan Tasini For City Council
Joy Love and Flow Hoop Dancers
Keith Wilson for Mayor
larry w hogg
Lona Smith
Marnie Glickman for City Council
Maxine Dexter for Congress
Meadow Park Middle School Marching Band
Ms. Oregon Elite World Universal
Multnomah County Democrats
My Deere Companions
Norman Gustafson
Oregonians Credit Union
Outdoor Service Guides
Portland Rose Festival
Portland Rugby Club
Promoting Tall Community Since 1955!
Reggie Guyton State Farm Insurance
River CitySpeedway
RiversWest Small Craft Center
Roosevelt High School Theatre Department
Roosevelt High School True North Dance Team
Rose City Model T Club
Rose City Rollers
SEI Kairos PDX SUN School Drill Team
SEI King SUN School Drill Team
Senator Lew Frederick and Friends
Shannon for District 2
St Johns Food Share
St Johns Scooter Club
St. John's/Cathedral Park NET
St. Johns Bachelor Club
St. Johns Community Center, Portland Parks & Recreation
St. Johns Community Center, Portland Parks & Recreation
St. Johns Library
Susheela Jayapal
Teeter Roofing, Inc
The Flea Zorkus
The Montessori House of St Johns
The Power Pep Band
Tre Bone Pet Supply
Two Rivers Physical Therapy
VFW Peninsula PEP Post 1325
Vose Unicycle Club
Whitford Middle School Marching Band
Will Mespelt for City Council
World On Fire Department

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